Contract Management Write for Us
Currently with the immersion of the health emergency we have various business solutions and specialized Software is no exception in the legal sector, it has evolved and TRATO is born proof of them.
In general terms we refer to contract management as contract management is the process of managing the creation, execution and analysis of contracts to maximize operational and legal performance in an organization, while reducing risk. Organizations are facing cumulative pressure to reduce costs and improve business performance.
The process of managing an acquisition is not complete once the electronic contract is signed. The acquirer has the responsibility to ensure that the product or service is delivered when necessary and that it is in accordance with the requirements and guidelines of the contract. The contract management process is responsible for ensuring that the supplier will meet the contractual performance requirements and that the signer will act in accordance with the terms of the contract.
The contractual process also reviews and documents what is or has been the performance of a supplier based on the contract and established corrective actions. Likewise, the performance is documented as a basis for future relationships with the supplier that is generated through data and information.
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Purchase Orders
International Trade
Contract Management Software
Partnership Agreements
Trade Agreements
Document Management
Crown Commercial Service
Document Automation
Group Purchasing Organization
Relational Contract
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